Tag: Obama

How much will we pay for the Pentagon?

What will it take for politicians to get the message that Pentagon spending is out of control? Yesterday, President Obama released a budget that ignores automatic spending cuts and proposes more than $600 billion for war and weapons. They won’t get the message unless we deliver it to […]

Not so targeted

The administration and many members of Congress have insisted that the US’s targeted killing program focuses on surgical strikes against Al Qaeda leaders and “associated forces,” with the utmost care given to avoiding civilian casualties. New information uncovered by McClatchy confirms what outside experts and advocates have long […]

Peace Action West in The Hill

We’re on The Hill’s Congress blog today talking about how Congress needs to face reality and make smart, strategic reductions to the Pentagon budget: What glaring oversight was a top driving factor in Congress’s failure to avert $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts? As the partisan posturing drags […]

The slippery slope to war

The response to our action alert asking senators to oppose a new bill that is a backdoor to war has been tremendous. Our supporters have sent almost 10,000 messages and counting. But some senators are going to argue that they are not taking us further down the slippery […]

The problem with arming rebels in Syria

The Obama administration is reportedly revisiting the idea of arming rebels in Syria. Stephen Walt at Foreign Policy highlights some misconceptions about this potential approach to the conflict: This is the logic presented by former State Department official Frederick C. Hof, who told the New York Times that “the odds are very […]